
Take over the world with 25,000 of your best friends.

Taking over the world by yourself… Not a simple assignment for a sausage expert. But with the help of our best friends, this should be easy-peasy.

Huls sausage experts have been busy taking over the world for a few years now and have already brought their delicious dried sausages to large parts of the world in the Netherlands. Huls mainly uses Facebook to make people enthusiastic about sausage. Goal for this year: Take over more of the world with our current fans, more contact and interaction.

Real engagement with our fans is first priority, so we asked them to help Huls take over the world. Literally. During the summer, we asked them to take a Huls sausage with them on holiday and take dried sausage to the edges of the world. The holiday snaps with a Huls dried sausage were evidence of conquered territory.

Which country are you taking over?

Tell us where you are going on holiday and we’ll send you a Huls dried sausage to take with you. With a striking image, we asked people through a national advertisement, on-pack and directly on Facebook, which country they would conquer for us. Huls rewarded 80 entrants with a free sausage to take with them.

Huls Advertentie

The Netherlands? The Renétherlands!

We campaigned heavily in the comments. We responded thoroughly with endless fun videos, gifs and pictures (with thanks to our content studio), which answered the reactions of our fans.

Dry pics?

Throughout the summer, we continued asking our fans to take holiday photos with a Huls dried sausage. They stood to win fun prizes for their dry expressions.  


Great responses flowed in. From the sun to the snow. From Peru to Switzerland and from Loch Ness to Bali. Our sausages had never been so far from home! Together, we took over the world this summer. What an effort by our fans. With Anouk as the clear winner… right?

What made yet another online activation unique?

  • Enthusiastic 1-on-1 conversations with our fans.
  • High interaction with fans compared to similar brands.
  • Strong link between online and physical product.
  • Distinctive campaigning style.
  • Enormous involvement from our fans (the sausage went on holiday with them for weeks!).